
48 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Most Impressive.

I'm sorry to of doubted the Gangstah Rap master. Tom this kicked ass. And thank you so much for deciding to keep this version on Newgrounds. I understand the deal with Atom films. Just so long as an author keeps submitting here, which you do often, to remind guys like me there still alive I'm happy. Again THANK YOU for bringing it back here! This is for all you old schoolers here on NG that know nothing can compare to this Flash. The bar has been lifted. Hopefully the users here will see fit to give it the # 1 spot again.

Sorry for not reviewing earlier. :P

Are there any plans to make Gangstah Rap 2? I know you told the_loafroaster who made a flash with the song that you weren't going to but how can you compare his stuff to your own? He just used your graphics and style to make it and I'm sure he would agree. It's time you lost the rest of your sanity and make it. :)

Well whatever you decide man. Thanks for being a sport and responding to my past review. The best authors are never afraid to defend there movies or respond to fans comments. Thank you for being one of the best. Ta ta.

pyropymp responds:

Thanks! Good to know this flash met your expectations! Now no plans have been made yet for the 2nd one, and I doubt there will be plans for that in a long while, especially all I can think of right now is how to recuperate from all the stress of doing this one;)


I TOO seriously miss Beavis and Butthead. I was expecting a crappy soundboard but was pleasently surprised. For that I give you a 5 out of shear love of the show. However I do agree with Cryptic Rick.

I could do a ok B & B but I can't really laugh like them especially Butthead and it's no where near flawless. Sniff ;( So I hope you do find those voice actors. If your interested in a audition email me I'll give it a shot. :)

Digital-Spawn responds:

Okay, sounds good. Maybe i'll email you later.

Oh boy, oh boy! Classic Disney before it was evil.

I saw your older work that got blammed. I'm glad you kept this up because you improved this idea alot.

Can you make one with the Nephews the next time? :)

Maphacker responds:

Im very disappointed on the grade i got on this FLASH. I dont think doing another donald duck film is worth the time when i get shitty grades like this.

:) Ok.

"BTW don't insult me cause my movies suck :-P"

Boy I only wish writing that would make it so. NG would be a better place.

Well I haven't the slightest idea how you made this Flash work so color me impressed. Try doing something more complex next time like having more Star Wars guys dance with him. That is all.

HauptmannGurken responds:

Rock on, dude!


I was the first one to put up a review for Gangsta Rap in the Alpha section so I wont waste your time with similar comments. I understand why you submitted it to the Portal too. It doesn't seem like the Mag gets nearly as much attention as it's father site, yet anyhow...

I was just wondering about this project since you put up the preview. I worry somewhat now, that it won't be as funny with better animation then the original. :( This is the kind of stuff people think of when they watch the Special Edition of the actual Star Wars film. Damn, talk about appropriate titles.

Anyhow I have faith that this will kick ass. Anything that will keep you away from your more politically motivated work is a good thing. (sorry just how I feel) I know it's gonna be good regardless because that song is so friggin' awesome and I long for the day when I can put Gangsta Rap up as my # 1 flash as the original was taken off before that feature was invented. ><

Again I am hoping that Atomfilms doesn't license this one either. I'm still hurtin' from when they took the Steven Seagal show away from us. I mean seriously, once it got there I never saw any more new episodes. That site is like a museum. :( I'm a NG loyalist so sue me. Ok. Thanks for reading.

pyropymp responds:

All I can say is, I will NOT make the same mistake as George Lucas ;) I understand there is a unique charm to old-school graphics - something I might not be able to replace, but I am confident this will exceed many expectations - I am redoing most of the storyboards enough so this will look more like a piece of its own rather than just an "improvement" from the original. As for atomfilms... unlike NG that place makes us actual money... I think eventually it will be licensed by them as well... but I will always have a direct link up on NG like I did with Arnold and Redneck Rapper. Thanks for telling me all this, it keeps my feet on the ground ;) And thanks a lot for the first review on the Alpha page!

Hypothesis: Genius

I love you! No seriously. I could cry when I saw you submitted again! I was afraid you wouldn't anymore because your first movie was just so underwatched and under-apreciated. :) I am going to give these movies a 10 everyday I remember bud! You seriously need to get into the Transformer section and soon. It is lame except for a few gems and needs to be updated with your stuff! You're the reason I can no longer say there aren't enough quality Transformer flash on NG anymore you deserve it man! You're not afraid to add voice to your flash when others would probably just put in bland word bubbles. Again your impression are awesome and you got Shockwaves voice down pat! THANKS for giving the guy some balls like he has in the comics which you no doubt have read! In the cartoon he is as loyal as Soundwave and it's irritating as hell. All he got was one line in the movie 'Laserbeak returns, Mighty Megatron!' or something like that. Then he disapeared into Gen 1 obscurity. Umm can you do me a favor? If you ever feel the need to put in Skyfire can you make him the one eyed Jetfire instead? I'm not sure why he doesn't look like his awesome toy counterpart. I think it was legal issues but still he looks so much better like that. O yeah thanks for putting up a profile. I appreciate it. I would love to help you on these man. That's how much I like them. So if you have any problems impersonating characters, Wheeljack, Jazz, Tracks, Swoop, Sludge, Rumble, Ravage, Warpath, Powerglide, Spike, Sparkplug ....Kremzeek (Ha HA!) I would love to give it a shot! Of course you would have to tell me how you got that mechanical sound to the Transformers voice however. ^-^ And don't be afraid to add more humor in this. Sometimes it comes out naturally and I notice the sarcastic tone to this sometimes and it cracks me up. Especially Prime. THANK YOU for making my day! You're just going to get better and that scares me... So until all are one keep these up!

powermasterprime responds:

wow...thanks alot!


You know the preloader alone was worth a 5.:)

Umm but isn't Ken married? :D Wouldn't that be a mess if she found out...

VicHD responds:

yes ken is married, but that's after SF II. this flash takes place during the SF alpha games "before" he gets engaged. you know,what you said about ken's future wife fiding out about his attempts, that's not a bad idea at all... :).


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