The Joker one was better
Would you be so kind as to provide contact information in your account? I would like to ask you a few questions.
Sorry for being very critical but I am hoping you get better at this and the only way I know how to help you is to give you my honest thoughts.
1.) You should do a original Batman story. The recap of the origin of Freeze is a bit pointless. Especially when you made Ferris Boyle regret what he did! When did he ever say " O God What have I done?" Nope. That guy was a total sleaze. He was the one that insisted Nora be removed from her containment and he was the one who caused the accident. Watch your reference material again when you do these homages.
2) I like your Animated series aproach to the Red Hood one more. Even though you cut corners like copying the Joker's walk cycle from a Batman Cartoon maker animation. The BTAS style worked more. This looks too complex and stiffer.
3) The voice acting for Batman seemed better in the Red Hood too. Maybe because he has more lines and I can hear him more in this. You should ask some users on Newgrounds for voice help on the BBS. You can't do everyone by yourself although I often do the same with voice work. :( Getting a variety of voices is always best though.
I would consider helping you out if you want.
I aplaud your efforts regardless of my thoughts though. We simply don't have authors who make movies like these anymore. I think you've done something special. I hope you keep it up!