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I have so many mixed feelings about this awesome work and if I don’t write a review it could get ugly so here goes. ^-^ First of all, (I know you heard this before) I was a fan of the 1980s cartoon like most people my age and if they don’t admit it there liars. It was the Power Rangers/Pokemon fad of our day and even now looking back I feel it was more popular then either of them but after a while I realized how ridiculous the show really was and would of stopped liking TMNT all together had it not been for the original black and white comic book by Eastman and Laird. It was serious, bloody violent and dark. Needless to say I don’t think I laughed very often reading it. And not once did Michelangelo say cowabunga, shove pizza down his throat and act like the cracked out surf board dude everyone remembers him as. He was the average Joe of the group who you could familiarize yourself with, although he did tease Raph a few times (not a very good idea).

Anyway when I see that moody, violent tone of the original book happening here it really impresses me. But then I see the technodrome and I become confused. Al though the voice acting and impressions were dead on fantastic I am completely opposed to making Michelangelo sound the way he does. The new cartoon did this and it’s just annoying and it doesn’t fit the mood of this flash. I don’t know, Maybe you didn’t want to alienate any fans who are used to him like that. Now that I’m on the subject, the new cartoon tries very hard to live up to the standards of the original comic but fails because it’s not nearly as violent and the style and feel of the whole thing is just wrong. I do not like the design for there Foot soldiers or the Shredder. I know you must somewhat agree with me because, although you copied that style you changed the way the Foot look (No ugly red foot symbols). Many people probably wouldn’t notice something this minor but that’s just the way I look at things. I sorely suggest you pick up a copy of the original comic if you don’t already own it. That’s the way the characters should look!

Anyway sorry about the rant. I’m not so obsessed that I don’t see that this is a brilliant fan fiction that’s not a particular slave to any of the different incarnations of TMNT, but rather combines different elements from each. In doing so you succeeded in creating something that stands alone and is completely unique. I respect that but the definitive TMNT for me will always be the original comic series and that will never change. Despite my bitching, I want you to know this is something gorgeous you’ve created here and I’m certain the next one will be even better unless, you do something horrendous like adding Bebop and Rocksteady to the mix. ;( By the way my computer froze when I wrote this so I typed it twice. ;Q Just so you know. I’m a tad bit psychotic. Anyway hopefully you read it. Hmmm... DoomZero's review behind mine seems to be completely opossite to my own message SO I'm glad I covered it up. ^_^ Gotta love Newgrounds! Heehee.

Hey neat.

I'm glad I stumbled upon this one! Having Solid and Bin Laden duke it out is a brilliant idea. I hope you consider giving another go at a Metal Gear flash cause this one had the best graphics of all the ones I've seen. o-o! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEE!!!!! NOOOOO!!

EEEEE Who dares challenge the great VEGETA?!

I sense quality flash from you in the future man cause I do see you're getting better as this saga evolves. Anyhow the story in this is a hell of alot better then alot of the DBZ movies I've seen. Not the flash movies the actual DBZ movies. You know where the characters are put into odd situations because the story cannot possibly fit into actual DB continuity. Like Gohan has a tail in the first Cooler movie far after the Frieza saga for no particular reason. I don't know if that's a compliment though. :( I hope you finish this. I'm very interested in seeing it conclusion.


DAMN! I just don't know what it is about that sound! I watched this movie like five times already and it never stops being funny! I most especially enjoy the remix in the dvd extras section! Thanks for laughs!

What the %$#@?

I don't get it? Why is it whenever a flash with a political figure on it ends up on Newgrounds people have to judge it via there political views instead of the content/humor/style. You know like your supposed to? Who gives a crap if you like Dean or not?! Does that really have anything to do with the quality of the flash? It just shows your grading is biased and probably not entirely fair. Sheeeez!! Or should I say: RARRAAAAAAAAAAH! Howard Dean style. :)

I've waited an eternity for a flash like this...

Don't stop now Prime. There's just not enough Transformer stuff of this quality on Newgrounds! Now light our DARKEST hour!! Dammit open! Well what ever you make next will probably be great I just hope you submit more.

Mmmm... Eye Candy

When I watch this movie it reminds me of the way I have been animating my own work. So much effort goes into this style... My hands grow numb just thinking about it. ;( That's why I applaud all the users who gave this movie a 10 because deadlyorc is exactly the type of artists you want to encourage and he can only get better if he continues.

Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to be patronizing or leave a high score with my review as I usually do because I want to make a point:

If all of his energy and skill were directed towards a plot of some kind as much as the art work, the possibilities would be endless. I dunno maybe I'm just saying all this because I started writing the sequel to my own lack luster Simpsons flash just for fun and well, if I could ever get the graphics for it up to this level...My God! I can't even comprehend how cool that would be.

What I mean is there's alot of potential in this kind of work and I for one hope to see more of deadlyorc's flash in the future.


Well this is definetly the best one! I kind of wish you would have stuck this Bush quote in there: "The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur." O_O So dumb it's frightening but it makes the Bushism about the bondage sound like genius. ()^-^ I know this flash would have been 8 hours long if you went into detail... just a couple of things that I want to get off my back about the Halle Berry episode... The woman is so stuck up when she was offered the role of Storm she said that she was "reduced to" playing a comic book character! Probably the strongest black comic book character ever made! If she ever picked one up in her life and read it (assuming she can read) she'd know that it's Vice a Versa because It's her that doesn't do the character enough justice! >< ANYHOW! What is she working on now?! FUCKING Catwoman! BUT this movie is going to be so bad you know she's doing it for the money! It might as well NOT be called Catwoman because it has nothing to do with the character! Her names not even Selina Kyle in it. ;( Halle so stupid she thinks Catwoman really fell out a building and was brought back to life by cats in the comic book. Comic book illiterate people are Fucking MORONS! Please you do an episode about people who make movies like Batman and Robin possible like Joel Shumacher and the fucking WB. By the way if Reginold is a demon from hell you'ld think he'd like Bush's finger on the button. Sorry for the rant and thanks for the entertainment!


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