You and your crew are geniuses.
This is fantastic, well thought out and unique. I don't usually review games because I don't always have the time to play them and feel my review would be unfair if I don't but this is so delightfully addictive and fun And I love Streets of Rage. Who can forget the little Skate kid who jumped on people heads and pounded their brains in! By the way thanks for reviewing my PM movie (alt account). You are a good guy for responding to all these reviews and it makes you a great author in my book because I know how it is to take the time to do such a thing. Keep up the good work --- and If I had money I would give you some through your paypal. Hahha!
Thanks for showing me that I am not the only one who responds to all of his reviews. Also I hope you have some more special or finishing moves in the sequel. Take care.