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I have diab atus. Hahhaha.

A new challenger has entered the ring. ALPHAMAN!!!!

Hey dude this rocks and I hope to save it. If you need any tools to make more please feel free to contact me. I'd love to help.

Alphaman responds:

Sorry, I don't have the program that has insulinpump's voice.


Thanks again, i'll ask you if I need anything on skype :)

AWESOMME hapy birklday ^^ LUL

Sorry Slintas but I don't have a sense of humor and I can't condone your pong awesome movie as it's an obvious insult to our beloved awesome demigod with whom you should all be worshiping.

You're not worthy of taking up the same space as him and he should be on Cartoon Network making the big Bucks. Fuck you!

by the way fived AND favorited. I hate you for making me review again!

Slintas responds:

Hahaha! Best review EVER. No, really! I mean it. ;)
Thanks my good friend!

ok the summary is to short.

I think that i was shot in the shoulder. A pancreas would probably be maybe the other side and more to the mid section.

And now you know! And also where did Romancollar find such a powerful looking gun? It was an honor to be shot by a device of such fine craftsmanship.

SherClockHolmes responds:

Your pancreas is located in your shoulder don't listen to them fancy biologistmajigers. Romancollar is in th army duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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12 Game Reviews


I saved this movie with a 5 when it was marked red and about to get blammed now it's on the front page! Ah the irony! As soon as I saw cookie monster and Bush I voted cause I was afraid it would dissapear before I got a chance! >:) Yes I have wierd taste but it was just to sweet not to save!

To the author: You are one lucky sunuvagun and a first time submitter to! Heh.

To Cookie monster : I will never call you Cucumber monster! Fuck sesame street for trying to change the name of an icon. Keep eating cookies and promoting obesity in children! You rule!

You and your crew are geniuses.

This is fantastic, well thought out and unique. I don't usually review games because I don't always have the time to play them and feel my review would be unfair if I don't but this is so delightfully addictive and fun And I love Streets of Rage. Who can forget the little Skate kid who jumped on people heads and pounded their brains in! By the way thanks for reviewing my PM movie (alt account). You are a good guy for responding to all these reviews and it makes you a great author in my book because I know how it is to take the time to do such a thing. Keep up the good work --- and If I had money I would give you some through your paypal. Hahha!

Thanks for showing me that I am not the only one who responds to all of his reviews. Also I hope you have some more special or finishing moves in the sequel. Take care.

gavD responds:

Thankyou Dekathos!

The semi-sequel, End of Nightmares, is nearing Alpha stage - it's got a lot of the things that people miss in TTTS, such as jumping attacks and dashing, along with greatly streamlined controls.

Other project statuses for those interested (in no particular order):
1. Amoeba Amoeba - the artist has now got a job so is not working on the project very much, but a lot of the music and code design are complete. This one may take years to complete at this rate! I must confess to being fairly impatient with this one.
2. Pixelville Pensioners II - levels 1 and 2 are nearly completely finished in programming terms, and have some music from Samba Lucas and Davey J. Level 3 is not started and level 1 needs better graphics.
3. Rotting Onslaught *first announcement* - my first ever survival horror game has perhaps the most powerful engine I've designed yet - it's going to be great!
4. Cardiff Noir - an interactive film in the style of film noir, Blade Runner, et cetera, this will blend the photographed character style of TTTS with a powerful script written by a real film maker! I'm acting as producer and coder on this one.
5. End of Nightmares - nearing Alpha stage

Thanks again for your kind words, keep an eye on NG alphas in the next week or so and we might have the End of Nightmares alpha up online!

Attention this is Prof X I order you to get naked!

This was a good idea but I think you should fix some of the questions. Make them more specific. For instance you should put what are Rogue's mutant powers in the question about her mutant abbilities. Second, The question about who Kitty Pryde is close to... She is close to Logan and Storm. Maybe more so back in the day. She was very fond of Storm and kind of idolized her.

I remember how upset she was when Storm got a mowhawk after joining the Morlocks and afraid she was that Storm's personality was changing. :P I wish you would of given Shadowcat her blue costume, that's my favorite.

Also you're really trying to confuse me adding dancing to Kittys talents along with something she's not talented in in the same option, hense making it one of the wrong questions. Tricksy very tricksy.

Also who Nightcrawler's father is, was revealed, ;( rather poorly actually, in a new issue of X-men recently where the German Baron Wagner, Mystique was supposed to of had relations with when the story was first told back in X-Men Unlimited #4 actually was impotent and she really had sex with a demon instead called Azazel and claimed it was the Baron's child hence the last name, Wagner, I think. I know, sounds retarded... but that's what the X books are these days. ;(

Anyway I never heard of Mystique's extra daughter. Good job getting me on that one. Are they blood? If you just put that there because she was taking the shape of the girls real mother then I think it should be excluded. Mystique would have tons of kids if that was taken into account. The only one I was really stuck on was The White Queen. It appears I don't know enough about her.

Well then this game is cool, I gave it a 5 but I'm a comic book lover, so I'm biased. You know what would be funny, If you had Wolverine at the end of your next quiz and you have him say with a word bubble, "This one's for the ladies, bub!"

HAHAH! That would be hillarious. Well if you do that don't draw him naked. No one wants to see that. :D

ShifterGS responds:

night crawlers father is a demon??????!!?!?!?!

thats lame.

they should of made it an well known mutant or somen.


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